Supported types


typedload.load(obj, None)

It will either return a None or fail.

This is normally used to handle unions such as Optional[int] rather than by itself.

Basic types

By default: {int, bool, float, str, NONETYPE}

Those types are the basic building blocks and no operations are performed on them.

NOTE: If basiccast=True (the default) casting between them can still happen.

In : typedload.load(1, float)
Out: 1.0

In : typedload.load(1, str)
Out: '1'

In : typedload.load(1, int)
Out: 1

In : typedload.load(1, float, basiccast=False)
Exception: TypedloadValueError

In : typedload.load(1, bool, basiccast=False)
Exception: TypedloadValueError

The basictypes set can be tweaked.

In : typedload.load(1, bytes, basictypes={bytes, int})
Out: b'\x00'

In : typedload.load(1, int, basictypes={bytes, int})
Out: 1


typedload.load(obj, Literal[1])
typedload.load(obj, Literal[1,2,3])

Succeeds only if obj equals one of the allowed values.

This is normally used in objects, to decide the correct type in a Union.

It is very common to use Literal to disambiguate objects in a Union. See example

This is very fast, because typedload will internally use the Literal values to try the best type in the union first.


class Flags(Enum):
    NOVAL = 0
    YESVAL = 1

In : typedload.load(1, Flags)
Out: <Flags.YESVAL: 1>

Load values from an Enum, when dumping the value is used.


In : typedload.load([1, 2, 3], list[int])
Out: [1, 2, 3]

In : typedload.load([1.1, 2, '3'], list[int])
Out: [1, 2, 3]

In : typedload.load([1.1, 2, '3'], list[int], basiccast=False)
Exception: TypedloadValueError

Load an iterable into a list object.

Always dumped as a list.


Always dumped as a list.

Finite size tuple

In : typedload.load([1, 2, 3], tuple[int, float])
Out: (1, 2.0)

# Be more strict and fail if there is more data than expected on the iterator
In : typedload.load([1, 2, 3], tuple[int, float], failonextra=True)
Exception: TypedloadValueError

Infinite size tuple

In : typedload.load([1, 2, 3], tuple[int, ...])
Out: (1, 2, 3)

Uses Ellipsis (...) to indicate that the tuple contains an indefinite amount of items of the same size.


In : typedload.load({1: '1'}, dict[int, Path])
Out: {1: PosixPath('1')}

In : typedload.load({1: '1'}, dict[int, str])
Out: {1: '1'}

In : typedload.load({'1': '1'}, dict[int, str])
Out: {1: '1'}

In : typedload.load({'1': '1'}, dict[int, str], basiccast=False)
Exception: TypedloadValueError

class A(NamedTuple):
    y: str='a'

In : typedload.load({1: {}}, dict[int, A], basiccast=False)
Out: {1: A(y='2')}

Loads a dictionary, making sure that the types are correct.


  • typing.NamedTuple
  • dataclasses.dataclass
  • attr.s
class Point2d(NamedTuple):
    x: float
    y: float

class Point3d(NamedTuple):
    x: float
    y: float
    z: float

class Polygon:
    vertex: list[Point2d] = attr.ib(factory=list, metadata={'name': 'Vertex'})

class Solid:
    vertex: list[Point3d] = field(default_factory=list)
    total: int = field(init=False)

    def __post_init__(self): = 123 # calculation here

In : typedload.load({'Vertex':[{'x': 1,'y': 1}, {'x': 2,'y': 2},{'x': 3,'y': 3}]}, Polygon)
Out: Polygon(vertex=[Point2d(x=1.0, y=1.0), Point2d(x=2.0, y=2.0), Point2d(x=3.0, y=3.0)])

In : typedload.load({'vertex':[{'x': 1,'y': 1,'z': 1}, {'x': 2,'y': 2, 'z': 2},{'x': 3,'y': 3,'z': 3}]}, Solid)
Out: Solid(vertex=[Point3d(x=1.0, y=1.0, z=1.0), Point3d(x=2.0, y=2.0, z=2.0), Point3d(x=3.0, y=3.0, z=3.0)], total=123)

They are loaded from dictionaries into those objects. failonextra when set can generate exceptions if more fields than expected are present.

When dumping they go back to dictionaries. hide_default defaults to True, so all fields that were equal to the default will not be dumped.

attrs converters

Attrs fields can have a converter function associated.

If this is the case, typedload will ignore the assigned type, inspect the type hints of the converter function, and assign the type of the parameter of the converter as type. If the function is not typed, Any will be used.

This can be useful when the data format has been changed in a more complex way than just adding a few extra fields. Then the converter function can be used to do the necessary conversions for the old data format.


class A:
    x: int = attr.ib(converter=str) # x has a converter that just calls str()

In : load({'x': [1]}, A)
Out: A(x='[1]')

# In this case the int type for x was completely ignored, because a converter is defined
# The str() function does not define type hints, so Any is used
# So the list [1] is passed as is to the constructor of A() which calls str() on it to convert it
class Old:
    oldfield: int = attr.ib()

class New:
    newfield: int = attr.ib()

def conv(p: Old | New) -> New:
    # The type hinting necessary to tell typedload what to do
    # Without hinting it would just pass the dictionary directly
    if isinstance(p, New):
        return p
    return New(p.oldfield)

class Outer:
    Our old data format was using the Old class, but
    we now use the New class.

    The converter returns a New instance from an Old instance.
    inner: New = attr.ib(converter=conv)

# Calling load with the new data format, returns a New class
In : load({'inner': {'newfield':3}}, Outer)
Out: Outer(inner=New(newfield=3))
# Loading with the old data format, still returns a New class
In : load({'inner': {'oldfield':3}}, Outer)
Out: Outer(inner=New(newfield=3))

Forward references

A forward reference is when a type is specified as a string instead of as an object:

a: ObjA = ObjA()
a: 'ObjA' = ObjA()

The 2nd generates a forward reference, that is, a fake type that is really hard to resolve.

The current strategy for typedload is to cache all the names of the types it encounters and use this cache to resolve the names.

In alternative, it is possible to use the frefs dictionary to manually force resolution for a particular type.

Python typing module offers some ways to resolve those types which are not used at the moment because they are slow and have strong limitations.

Python developers want to turn every type annotation into a forward reference, for speed reasons. This was supposed to come in 3.10 but has been postponed. So for the moment there is little point into working on this very volatile API.


A union means that a value can be of more than one type.

If the passed value is of a basictype that is also present in the Union, the value will be returned.

Otherwise, basictype values are evaluated last. This is to avoid that a Union containing a str will catch more than it should.

typedload.load(data, int | str)

Tagged unions

If all the types within the union have a field of Literal type, that will be used to quickly inspect the value and decide which type to use.

Unlike other libraries, no manual action needs to be taken, besides having the fields with the Literal type in each member of the union.

class A:
    type: Literal['A']

class B:
    type: Literal['B']

# It will inspect the data and try the correct type directly
typedload.load(data, A | B)


A typical case is when using Optional values

In : typedload.load(3, Optional[int])
Out: 3

In : typedload.load(None, Optional[int])
Out: None


Ambiguity can sometimes be fixed by enabling failonextra or disabling basiccast.

Point2d = tuple[float, float]
Point3d = tuple[float, float, float]

# This is not what we wanted, the 3rd coordinate is lost
In : typedload.load((1,1,1), Union[Point2d, Point3d])
Out: (1.0, 1.0)

# Make the loading more strict!
In : typedload.load((1,1,1), Union[Point2d, Point3d], failonextra=True)
Out: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

But in some cases it cannot be simply solved, when the types in the Union are too similar. In this case the only solution is to rework the codebase.

# A casting must be done, str was chosen, but could have been int
In : typedload.load(1.1, Union[str, int])
Out: '1.1'

class A(NamedTuple):
    x: int=1

class B(NamedTuple):
    y: str='a'

# Both A and B accept an empty constructor
In : typedload.load({}, Union[A, B])
Out: A(x=1)

Finding ambiguity

Typedload can't solve certain ambiguities, but setting uniondebugconflict=True will help detect them.

In : typedload.load({}, Union[A, B], uniondebugconflict=True)
TypedloadTypeError: Value of dict could be loaded into typing.Union[__main__.A, __main__.B] multiple times

So this setting can be used to find ambiguities and manually correct them.

NOTE: The setting slows down the loading of unions, so it is recommended to use it only during tests or when designing the data structures, but not in production.


class A(TypedDict):
    val: str

In : typedload.load({'val': 3}, A)
Out: {'val': '3'}

In : typedload.load({'val': 3,'aaa':2}, A)
Out: {'val': '3'}

In : typedload.load({'val': 3,'aaa':2}, A, failonextra=True)
Exception: TypedloadValueError

From dict to dict, but it makes sure that the types are as expected.

It also supports non-total TypedDict.

class A(TypedDict, total=False):
    val: str

In : typedload.load({}, A)
Out: {}

Required and NotRequired can also be used.

class A(TypedDict):
    val: str
    vol: NotRequired[int]

In : typedload.load({'val': 'a'}, A)
Out: {'val': 'a'}
class A(TypedDict, total=False):
    val: str
    vol: Required[int]

In : typedload.load({'val': 'a', 'vol': 1}, A)
Out: {'val': 'a', 'vol': 1}

set, frozenset

In : typedload.load([1, 4, 99], set[float])
Out: {1.0, 4.0, 99.0}

In : typedload.load(range(12), set[int])
Out: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}

In : typedload.load(range(12), frozenset[float])
Out: frozenset({0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0})

Loads an iterable inside a set or a frozenset.

Always dumped as a list.


typedload.load(obj, typing.Any)

This will just return obj without doing any check or transformation.

To work with dump(), obj needs to be of a supported type, or an handler is needed.


T = typing.NewType('T', str)
typedload.load('ciao', T)

Allows the use of NewType to define already handled types.

String constructed

Loaders and dumpers have a set of strconstructed.

Those are types that accept a single str parameter in their constructor and have a __str__ method that returns that parameter.

It is possible to add more by adding them to the strconstructed set.

The preset ones are:


In : typedload.load('/tmp/', Path)
Out: PosixPath('/tmp')

In : typedload.load('/tmp/file.txt', Path)
Out: PosixPath('/tmp/file.txt')

Loads a string as a Path; dumps it as a string.


  • ipaddress.IPv4Address
  • ipaddress.IPv6Address
  • ipaddress.IPv4Network
  • ipaddress.IPv6Network
  • ipaddress.IPv4Interface
  • ipaddress.IPv6Interface
In : typedload.load('', IPv4Address)
Out: IPv4Address('')

Loads a string as an one of those classes, and dumps as a string.


  • uuid.UUID

Loads a string as UUID; dumps it as a string.


This is converted to a dictionary and can be loaded into NamedTuple/dataclass.



Represented as a float of seconds. datetime.time datetime.datetime

When loading, it is possible to pass a string in ISO 8601, or a list of ints that will be passed to the constructor.

When dumping, the default is to dump a list of ints, unless isodates=True is set in the dumper object, in which case an ISO 8601 string will be returned instead.

The format with the list of ints is deprecated and kept for backward compatibility. Everybody should use the ISO 8601 strings.

The format with the list of ints does not support timezones.


Loads a str or bytes as a compiled Pattern object by passing through re.compile. When dumping gives back the original str or bytes pattern.